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Free Pattern for a Miniature Welsh Lady

Miniature Welsh Lady

What you need

A pair of 3mm knitting needles.
Small amounts of double knitting yarn in black, white, red, pink and brown.
Polyester toy stuffing.
A blunt ended needle for sewing up.
A red pencil for shading cheeks.

Doll measures 12cm.

Tension should be approx 28 sts to 10cm before stuffing when worked on
3mm needles and double knitting yarn.

beg – beginning.
cm – centimetres.
dec – decrease.
garter-st – garter-stitch. Knit every row.
inc – increase.
k – knit.
k2tog – knit 2 sts together. If these are the very last in the row, then work
together through back of loops.
M1 – make 1 st by picking up the horizontal loop between the needles and
working into the back of it.
mm – millimetres.
p – purl.
p2tog – purl 2 sts together.
p-wise – purl ways.
RS – right side.
st(s) – stitch(es).
stocking-st – stocking-stitch. Knit on the right side, purl on the wrong side.
( ) – repeat instructions between ( ) as many times as instructed.


Begin at feet using black and the one needle method of casting on such as
the continental (long tail) or thumb method, cast on 14 sts.
Beg with a p row, stocking-st 17 rows.
Change to white for bodice.
Stocking-st 10 rows.
Change to pink for head.
K 1 row.
Inc row: p4, m1, p6, m1, p4 – 16 sts.
Stocking-st 6 rows.
Dec row: (k2tog) to end – 8 sts.
Thread yarn through remaining sts, pull tight and secure.

Note: skirt is knitted in garter-st.
Using black and the one needle method of casting on, cast on 12 sts.
Join on red.
Work in garter-st stripe, 2 rows red then 2 rows black until there are 31
stripes from the beg, finishing with 2 rows black.
Work 1 row in red.
Cast off in red, very loosely.
Waist of skirt
With RS facing and black, pick up and knit 32 sts from one set of row ends (1
st from each stripe) – 32 sts.
Next row: p2tog along row, casting off at the same time.

ARMS – make 2
Begin at shoulders using white and the one needle method of casting on, cast
on 9 sts.
Beg with a purl row, Stocking stitch for 7 rows.
Change to pink for hands.
Stocking-st 2 rows.
Thread yarn through sts, pull tight and secure.

Begin at lower edge using white and the one needle method of casting on,
cast on 8 sts.
Garter-st 2 rows.
Beg with a k row, stocking-st 8 rows, knitting the first and last st on every p
Dec row: k1, k2tog, k2, k2tog, k1 – 6 sts.
Cast off p-wise.

Note: hair is worked in garter-st.
Using brown and the one needle method of casting on, cast on 18 sts.
Garter-st 6 rows.
Dec row: (k1, k2tog) to end – 12 sts.
K 1 row.
Dec row: (k2tog) to end – 6 sts.
Thread yarn through remaining sts, pull tight and secure.

Note: shawl is worked in garter-st.
Begin at point using red, cast on1 st.
Inc row: (k1, p1, k1) into first st – 3 sts.
Work 14 rows in garter-st increasing 1 st at each end of every row – 31 sts.
Shape next row: inc into first st, k5,
(k2tog) 3 times, k7, (k2tog) 3 times, k5, inc into last st – 27 sts.
Cast off.

Begin at brim using black and the one needle method of casting on, cast on
24 sts.
Dec row: (k1, k2tog) to end – 16 sts.
Beg with a p row, stocking-st 3 rows.
Dec row: (k2, k2tog) to end – 12 sts.
Beg with a p row stocking-st 3 rows.
P 2 rows to mark top of hat.
Dec row: (k2tog) to end – 6 sts.
Thread yarn through remaining sts, pull tight and secure.


Body and head: with right sides of stocking-st outside, join row ends of body
and head and stuff. With seam at centre back, over sew cast on sts. To shape
neck, take a double length of white yarn and sew a running st round last row
of body, sewing in and out of every half st. Pull tight and knot yarn, sewing
ends into neck.

Skirt: join cast on and cast off edges of skirt and place on doll. Sew waist of
skirt to first row of bodice all the way round.

Arms: with right side of stocking-st outside, roll arms from one set of row
ends to the other and slip st in place. Sew a gathering st round cast on sts at
shoulder, pull tight and secure. Sew arms to either side of body with top of
arms level with second row below neck.

Apron: sew cast off sts of apron to waist at centre front. Sew lower edge of
apron to skirt.

Features: start and finish off features at top of head under hair. Embroider
mouth in red taking a horizontal st on third row above neck over 1 st.
Embroider eyes in black taking a vertical st on third row above mouth with 2
sts in between.

Hair: join row ends of hair and place on doll, pulling hair down to neck at
back. Sew outer edge of hair to head all the way round.

Shawl: place shawl around doll and catch points together at centre front and
sew to waist.

Hat: join row ends of hat and lightly stuff. Sew hat to head using back st on
right side of hat at base of brim, sewing through hat to head all the way

Finish off by colouring cheeks with a red pencil.

Pattern design by Sarah G Keen © 2005

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