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Free Pattern for Cynthia's Sheep


Sheep stands 16cm high.

What you need

A pair of 3¼mm knitting needles.
Double knitting yarn: 50g beige, 25g cream, small amount of black for features.
Amounts are generous but approximate.
Acrylic toy stuffing.
Knitters marking pins for sewing up.

alt – alternate.
beg – beginning.
cm – centimetres.
foll – following.
garter-st – garter-stitch. Knit every row.
inc – increase. Knit into front then back of stitch.
k – knit.
k2 or 3 tog – knit 2 or 3 stitches together. If these stitches are the very last in the row
then work together through back of loops.
k-wise – knit-ways.
m1 – make 1 stitch. Pick up the horizontal loop between the needles and work into the
back of it.p – purl.
p2tog – p 2 stitches together. If these are the very first in the row then work together
through back of loops.
sts – stitches.
stocking-st – stocking-stitch. Knit on the right side, purl on the wrong side.
tbl – through back of loop.
( ) – repeat instructions between brackets as many times as instructed.



Begin at lower edge using the thumb method and beige, cast on 36 sts and work in
Garter-st 2 rows.
Inc row: (k1, m1, k1, m1, k14, m1, k1, m1, k1) twice – 44 sts.
Next and next 2 foll alt rows: k.
Inc row: (k1, m1, k2, m1, k16, m1, k2, m1, k1) twice – 52 sts.
Inc row: (k1, m1, k3, m1, k18, m1, k3, m1, k1) twice – 60 sts.
Inc row: (k1, m1, k4, m1, k20, m1, k4, m1, k1) twice – 68 sts.
Garter-st 25 rows.
Dec row: k2tog, k30, (k2tog) twice, k30, k2tog – 64 sts.
Garter-st 3 rows.
Dec row: k2tog, k28, (k2tog) twice, k28, k2tog – 60 sts.
Garter-st 3 rows.
Dec row: (k2tog) twice, k22, (k2tog) 4 times, k22, (k2tog) twice – 52 sts.
Garter-st 3 rows.
Dec row: (k2tog) twice, k18, (k2tog) 4 times, k18, (k2tog) twice – 44 sts.
Cast off in garter-st.

LEGS – make 4
Begin at lower edge using the thumb method and cream, cast on 16 sts.
P 1 row.
Inc row: k1, (m1, k2) to last st, m1, k1 – 24 sts.
Beg with a p row, stocking-st 13 rows.
Cast off 6 sts at beg of next 2 rows – 12 sts.
Dec row: k2tog, k to last 2 sts, k2tog – 10 sts.
Dec row: p2tog, p to last 2 sts, p2tog – 8 sts.
Cast off.

Begin at top edge using the thumb method and beige, cast on 16 sts and work in garterst.
Inc row: (inc k-wise) to end – 32 sts.
Garter-st 7 rows.
Dec row: k6, (k2tog) twice, k12, (k2tog) twice, k6 – 28 sts.
K 1 row.
Change to cream and continue in stocking-st.
Next row: (k1 tbl) to end.
Next and next 2 foll alt rows: p.
Inc row: k6, m1, k1, m1, k14, m1, k1, m1, k6 – 32 sts.
Inc row: k7, m1, k1, m1, k16, m1, k1, m1, k7 – 36 sts.
Inc row: k8, m1, k1, m1, k18, m1, k1, m1, k8 – 40 sts.
Beg with a p row, stocking-st 7 rows.
Dec row: (k3, k2tog) to end – 32 sts.
Next and next 2 foll alt row: p.
Dec row: (k2, k2tog) to end – 24 sts.
Dec row: (k1, k2tog) to end – 16 sts.
Dec row: (k2tog) to end – 8 sts.
Thread yarn through remaining sts, pull tight and secure.

EARS – make 2
Using the thumb method and cream, cast on 18 sts.
K 1 row.
Dec row: k6, (k3tog) twice, k6 – 14 sts.
Cast off k-wise.

Using the thumb method and beige, cast on 8 sts and work in garter-st.
Garter-st 6 rows.
Shape next row: (k2tog) twice, k2, inc into last 2 sts.
Garter-st 5 rows.
Shape next row: inc into first 2 sts, k2, (k2tog) twice.
Garter-st 5 rows.
Shape next row: (k2tog) twice, k2, inc into last 2 sts.
Garter-st 5 rows.
Dec row: (k2tog) to end – 4 sts.
Thread yarn through remaining sts, pull tight and secure.

Body - Fold cast on stitches of body in half and over-sew, fold cast off stitches in half
and over-sew. Join row ends leaving a gap, stuff body and close gap.
Legs - Fold cast on stitches of legs in half and over-sew. Join straight row ends and stuff legs and sew to body.
Head - Join row ends of head and stuff and with this seam at centre back, over-sew top
edge. Pin and sew head to body.
Ears - Fold cast off stitches of ears in half and over-sew. Fold row ends in half and catch in place. Sew ears to head at each side.
Tail - Join row ends of tail and sew one end to body.
Features - To make eyes, tie 2 knots in 2 lengths of black yarn, winding the yarn round 6
times to make the knots. Check that the knots are the same size. Tie eyes to head with 3
clear knitted stitches in between and run ends into head. Work nose and mouth in colour
to match eyes, working a 'v' shape for nose and a long stitch from nose to centre of
underneath for mouth. To begin and fasten off invisibly for the embroidery, tie a knot in
the end of yarn and take a large stitch through work coming up to start the embroidery,
allowing knot to disappear through knitting and be caught in the stuffing. To fasten off,
take a few stitches back and forth through work inserting needle where yarn comes out.

Knit as a newborn baby gift

Cynthia's sheep design by Sarah Keen © 2009

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