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Products in category: Zips
A61100.11 Aida Counted Cross Stitch Fabric details
Prepacked 11 Count 30cms x 45cms
A61100.14Aida Counted Cross Stitch Fabric details
Prepacked 14 Count 30cms x 45cms
A61100.16 Aida Counted Cross Stitch Fabric details
Prepacked 16 Count 30cms x 45cms
A61100.18 Aida Counted Cross Stitch Fabric details
Prepacked 18 Count 30cms x 45cms
CN056.36Open End Medium Weight Zip details
Nylon Medium Weight Open End Zip 14? 36cm
CN056.41Open End Medium Weight Zip details
Nylon Medium Weight Open End Zip 16? 41cm
CN056.46Open End Medium Weight Zip details
Nylon Medium Weight Open End Zip 18? 46cm
CN056.51Open End Medium Weight Zip details
Nylon Medium Weight Open End Zip 20? 51cm
GB100Machine Needles details
Precision Made Universal Machine Needles Pack of 5 130/705H
GB101Machine Needles details
Precision Made Ballpoint Machine Needles Pack of 5 130/705H
GB103Machine Needles details
Precision Made Jeans Machine Needles Pack of 5 130/705H
GB104Machine Needles details
Precision Made Leather Machine Needles Pack of 5 130/705H
GB110Machine Needles details
Precision Made Machine Twin Needle 130/705H
GB2411.3General Purpose Braided Elastic Polyester details
Elastic 3mm General Purpose Strong and Durable
GB2411.6General Purpose Braided Elastic Polyester details
Elastic 6mm General Purpose Strong and Durable
GB2411.9General Purpose Braided Elastic Polyester details
Elastic 9mm General Purpose Strong and Durable
GB2412.12General Knitted Elastic Polyester details
Elastic12mm Soft and Stretchy
GB2412.20General Knitted Elastic Polyester details
Elastic 20mm Soft and Stretchy
GB2412.25General Knitted Elastic Polyester details
Elastic 25mm Soft and Stretchy
GB2412.32General Knitted Elastic Polyester details
Elastic 32mm Soft and Stretchy
GB2412.40General Knitted Elastic Polyester details
Elastic 40mm Soft and Stretchy
GB2413.12Non-Roll Woven Elastic details
Elastic12mm Strong and Resists Rolling
GB2413.20Non-Roll Woven Elastic details
Elastic 20mm Strong and Resists Rolling
GB2413.25Non-Roll Woven Elastic details
Elastic 25mm Strong and Resists Rolling
GB4900Lint Shaver details
Lint Shaver Battery Operated (batteries not included)
GB690Iron on Patches details
Iron on Denim Patches 2pieces
GB691Iron on Mender details
Iron on Lightweight Polycotton Fabric
GB750Tracing Paper details
Applique Craft and Dressmaking Tracing Paper 3 Sheets
GB751Squared Pattern Paper details
Squared Paper to make your own patterns 3 Sheets
GB771.19Bra Extender details
Bra Back Extender 19mm 1 Hook
GB771.28Bra Extender details
Bra Back Extender 28mm 2 Hooks
GB771.38Bra Extender details
Bra Back Extender 38mm 2 Hooks
GB771.50Bra Extender details
Bra Back Extender 50mm 3 Hooks
GB771.75Bra Extender details
Bra Back Extender 75mm hooks
GB874.4Dress Shields details
Pair of Dress Shields
GB875Pocket Repair 100% Cotton details
Replacement Pocket Iron On
GB876Pocket Repair 100% Cotton details
Replacement Trouser Pocket Sew In
GB902.MShoulder Pads details
Shoulder Pads Set In
GB917.MShoulder Pads details
Shoulder Pads Raglan
VS086.56Open End Heavy Weight Zip details
Vislon Heavy Weight Open End Zip 22? 56cm
VS086.61Open End Heavy Weight Zip details
Vislon Heavy Weight Open End Zip 24? 61cm
VS086.66Open End Heavy Weight Zip details
Vislon Heavy Weight Open End Zip 26? 66cm
VS086.71Open End Heavy Weight Zip details
Vislon Heavy Weight Open End Zip 28? 71cm
YGNC456.18Metal Trouser Zip details
Trouser Metal Zip 7? 18cm
YGNC456.20Metal Trouser Zip details
Trouser Metal Zip 8? 20cm
YGNC459.10Brass Jeans Zip details
Jeans Metal Zip 4? 10cm
YGNC459.13Brass Jeans Zip details
Jeans Metal Zip 5? 13cm
YGNC459.15Brass Jeans Zip details
Jeans Metal Zip 6? 15cm
YGNC459.18Brass Jeans Zip details
Jeans Metal Zip 7? 18cm
YKK.10Nylon Dress and Skirt Zip details
Nylon zip 4? 10cms
YKK.18Nylon Dress and Skirt Zip details
Nylon zip 7? 18cms
YKK.20Nylon Dress and Skirt Zip details
Nylon zip 8? 20cms
YKK.30Nylon Dress Zip details
Nylon zip 12? 30cms
YKK.41Nylon Dress Zip details
Nylon zip 16? 41cms
YKK.46Nylon Dress Zip details
Nylon zip 18? 46cms
YKK.56Nylon Dress Zip details
Nylon zip 22? 56cms